
Hitler makes the music, Putin doles out the drinks.

Small update before we dive in:  massive sabbatical recently on this blog, since the 19th of July it seems; this was due to my withdrawal from my Swansea University Aerospace Engineering course and that shook up all my plans.  I failed one crucial module which I could have done the resit for but I just didn't feel like I wanted to go in the academic direction anymore and anyone who reads this knows that academia is nowhere to be found in my writing style (if you ask me, academia can best be described as "expand your sentences ten-fold, lest you want people to call you thick").  I have been looking for a job but all I've got is a couple of people looking to "forward my CV", basically the career equivalent of the bint who flirts with you only to leave when you get her a drink - boy am I tired of employers who don't take the trouble to tell you that you haven't made the grade...

I'm willing to bet my net worth (I hope someone bites, it's severely negative currently) that you have come across the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, and the new laws banning grown-ups telling kiddies that gays are worthy of anything more dignified than having a soldering iron shoved up the bum... maybe a little more brutal than reality, but the gist is there I hope.  Beans has done a similar post on this, raising the excellent point that it is fruitless standing up against one evil (this) while gleefully accepting another up the tailpipe (china's blasé attitude towards human rights), that makes you a political hypocrite, far from destroying your credibility these days that seems to make people respect you for being a "smooth talker".  However, I fear that in this case it is a question of economics - plenty of women buy cut-price fashionable label shoes and stuph, in spite of the fact that they are frequently made in 19th century visions of penal colonies in the 1950s.  The reason why we tolerate "Made in China" so much is because we simply do not have the time to conduct private investigations into where all our shit comes from, while the Olympics are in the laser-like public gaze every time they rock up; now we have all the time in the world for international finger-waving!

I'm going to bring my money to the table here, there are only two kinds of people who think too deeply into this shit - Flamboyantly out'n'proud gay people, and Overtly "Straight" people.  You really have to get a load of the "Straight" people, don't you; these are the people in prison who rape other men but, no no no no!  The OTHER bastard is Gay!  Seriously!  Why else would he accept my dick (in spite of my 3 equally disturbed buddies holding him down, as well as the fact that we are all grotesquely muscular and we only target people when there is absolutely no chance of retribution)?  I'm just showing the pitiful freak his place, after all...

If I seem to go against my "Bros" in the male gender, deal with it; there are lessons to be learned here for Western Society in that we men must not allow ourselves to become too mired in manliness.  Too much of the masculine can in fact be dangerous to society just as too much femininity is suffocating and stifling.  One will see a dog-eat-dog world where the weak are simply expunged from the face of the earth and the other will make everyone "play nice" in a superficial manner, where the people who make entire lives out of callous manipulation are the ones who get all the status.  Enticing?

In other words, Russia has too much of the masculine at play, with it's high murder rate, endemic sexism and grand-scale political corruption.  Amongst all this machismo and much more besides, such as not looking when crossing a dual carriageway (no legs, no problem, right?), it would be quite apt to compare modern Russia to Nazi Germany - think about it:
  • Country is in incomparable turmoil caused by failure of leftist, rather feminine ideals (1991 fall of the soviet union)
  • Political Personality (Putin) promises restoration of former glory, uses this to scale power ladder whilst forgoing any scruples with respect to the political process
  • Once power is obtained a "Cult of Personality" quickly takes root, complete with pop songs designed to break minds in the most subtle and efficient manner possible
  • Laws are then passed under the guise of protecting dem kiddies from dem darn purvurts in this case, and a litany of anti-jew laws in Germany circa 1933-1939 - This is where we are now, anything beyond this point is considered my personal prediction
  • Putin will progressively drive the screws down on dissent, all the while heightening his cult to hysterical levels of popularity
  • Russia's politics and foreign policy becomes more and more aggressive, annexations of neighbouring territories will be meekly accepted by the UN because "it was the old USSR, after all"
  • Line is crossed, war begins
  • Lots of people killded
  • We all chant "Never Again!" and make another bullshit international conglomerate to replace the UN
Maybe this is more than a little bit nihilistic, but I can quite easily see this happening.  Russia is definately erring towards Fascism and the deeply patriarchial society seems to be quite pleased with it since 75% of Russians support the laws in spite of the fact that it labels LGBTs as paedophiles by default; may I direct sir's attention to a similar potential in Britain with regards to UKIP, skip to number 5 for a comprehensive list of fascist tenets:

ElectricUnicycleCrew is well worth a subscription, by the way; to a man only just starting to form decent political opinions, this is a guy who's history of ranting and political commentary begun in his early teens at a level I see myself reaching in about 5 years, if that.

So yeah, what Fry pointed out (again far better than I ever could) about Russia is spot on; I fear that Russia may be dancing to the Hitler Disco soon given that half the worlds Racist Skinheads live there: